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It has been a while…

Submitted by on Saturday, 20 April 2013One Comment
Denny Griffin from his Blog Talk Radio Site

Denny Griffin from his Blog Talk Radio Site

First I like to thank everybody from home for all the great support and help with the release of the book Murder In McHenry. It has been out for less than a month and is already sold out twice on Amazon. This is my first blog since the release of the book. I have decided that I will use my old website www.McHenryCounty1981.com. This website already has a lot of content on it and receives lots of traffic. I will also be updating the website with more pictures, newspaper articles, and videos too.

You will also notice that I’ve added a section called the Library to the website. The Library is there on every page. In the library will be books related to my father’s murder and the Chicago Outfit itself. Over the years I’ve become quite the mob expert. This is in part because I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject. I’ve added those books and a few more to this library so please take a look. In the future, will be adding book reviews and other supporting information about the books and there relevancy to my father’s case or the Chicago Outfit.

Chicago Outfit Associate Frank Cullotta

Chicago Outfit Associate Frank Cullotta

One of the things I get to do a lot of is radio interviews. I really enjoy getting on the show and telling my father’s story. When doing these shows, I often meet some very interesting people. I’ve met some ex-mobsters, famous lawyers, famous journalists, world-class law enforcement people, true crime author’s and others. I find it fascinating to tell my father’s story and listen to all these people’s different perspectives. Plus, it creates a lot of interest to my father’s story and help circulates it around. They do serve an important function as well. I will have to admit though, my favorite guest to do a radio show with, is Frank Cullotta. This past Wednesday, I was on Denny Griffin’s We Knowa Guy Radio. My friend Denny had a surprise special guest on the show for me. It was no other than Frank Cullotta himself.

One of the reasons he is my favorite guest is I’m just absolutely flattered that he is there. If your mob enthusiasts or watch mobster shows, then you know that you have seem Frank on the Discovery Channel, the Biography channel, the National Geographic Channel, and recently on the History2 channel. Every show that he’s on he’s a paid guest. When I was in Las Vegas having breakfast with Frank, he explained that to me. He tells how the TV producers will say, “the FBI agent is not asking for any money.” Frank’s reply, “the FBI guy is trying to make a name for himself, you already know who I am, so pay me.” At that same breakfast, he also told me if I ever need help with anything with my father, he would help and I should not worry about it. I guess that holds true even when I’m not expecting it.

Hole in the Wall Gang Member Larry "Lurch" Neumann 1981

Hole in the Wall Gang Member Larry “Lurch” Neumann 1981

The radio show that I did on Wednesday is easily one of my favorites. I discuss what I found through the Freedom of Information Act. How through FBI reports, I traced Adam Bourgeois, the Chicago Outfit’s attorney, to George Hendle the lead investigator of my father’s murder himself. In a newspaper article, I found that Adam Bourgeois was actually going to subpoena George Hendle on behalf of Larry Neumann. That’s correct, the lead investigator of my father’s murder George Hendle, was going to testify on the behalf of already convicted triple murderer, Larry Neumann, in a different murder trial. I also discussed the Bourgeois connection. Everyone we know that has a connection or role in my father’s case was represented by him. Larry Neumann, the murderer himself. Debbie Neumann, the woman that incite this whole hideous tragedy. Finally, Tommy Amato, who is the driver of the car that night when Larry killed my father and Patricia, they all were represented by Adam Bourgeois. Frank was very impressed with the information that I was able to use to connect George Hendle and the rest to the Outfit.

Frank also provided new information. He told us at the first trial of Larry Neumann of the murder of Robert Brown a jeweler, ended in a mistrial. It was due to the Adam Bourgeois making inappropriate contact with the juror. Frank also told us that in 2009, the McHenry County Sheriff’s office, was trying to get immunity for Tommy Amato for his testimony. The state’s attorney’s office wouldn’t extend it to him. Tommy maintained that he was never there that night when Larry killed my father and Patricia.

There was so much more. Those are just a couple of the highlights. Frank was on the show with us between 30 to 40 minutes, so is quite some time. If you have some time, follow the link below, and take a listen for yourself.


Amazon link to Murder In McHenry

This is the Amazon link to the book Murder In McHenry by Paul Scharff and Keith Bettinger


One Comment »

  • keith bettinger says:

    It was a great show and I’m glad that Frank came on. It may sound strange, but Frank Cullotta is a very honest and sincere person who really wants to help resolve your father’s and Pat Freeman’s murders. Even though we have completed the book, it is amazing how much more information keeps coming to light. Frank Cullotta speaks from the heart and lets the chips fall where they may.

    Denny Griffin is a true pursuer of justice and is busy helping many people find answers to the tragic mysteries that surround them.

    Keith Bettinger